Available for in store pick up
#042859212098 White Flyer Blackout Targets
"Fragile as eggs"
1 case = 90
Skeet, Trap, Sporting Clays, or Recreational Shooting
The White Flyer Biodegradable Target is environmentally friendly and non-toxic; Used for trap, skeet, sporting clays, or recreational shooting, these targets are usable in both hand set and automatic trap machines
Ingredients are non-hazardous and non-toxic; Targets should be kept out of direct contact with moisture and humid conditions should not effect the targets or breaking characteristics
NSCA National Sporting Clays Association, NSSA National Skeet Shooting Association, ATA Amateur Trapshooting Association
"Safety is everyone's RESPONSIBILITY" read and follow all directions provided on and included with packaging
White Flyer Targets serve more shooting sports participants and gun clubs than any other target manufacturer in the world. Utilizing state of the art production methods, White Flyer Targets continues to make technical advances that allow it to maintain it's position as the best target on the market. The 131-year-old White Flyer brand is built on the commitment to produce the best clay target possible and deliver a consistent quality product that exceeds customer needs.
White Flyer Targets: Committed to Safe, Legal, and Responsible Firearm Use